- Equipment module: It is now possible to link to internal documents from the maintenance records, all filters can be removed in one click, and we have made some great improvements to how the pieces of equipment look on a mobile.
- Risk module: New this week is a column in the analysis index showing how many items are closed and how many are still left open (all other status). Furthermore we have added another column to the items index: we now have Suggested actions and Risk reducing actions. The status column has been updated to include all the possible status, Top 10 checkbox appears in the same spot in both view and edit mode, and the risk score is calculated on the fly when closing the matrix pop-up. From the menu, you can now add a risk item from anywhere in the system. Finally, the Report text field on the information tab now has full functionality, including linking to an internal document.
- Statistics page: This is only for Antenor-OTG Admins, but we have made some improvements to this page simplifying our work.
- Sending externally: Attachments added to a document sent externally to multiple e-mail addresses will now be available to everyone who clicks the link from their e-mail.
- Documents: A problem with turning on required with certain drop down fields has been rectified.