- Risk module: We have starting working on some larger issues behind the scenes here, but you'll also see some changes this week. You can now view 10, 20, 50 or 100 at once. We have updated the processing of actions from dashboard and from link in e-mail, so that these work as expected. Finally we have updated how the sorting works inside the analyses. This is not something you'll notice much, but it was needed for future development steps.
- Admin: We have made changes to our module icon page for administrators (Antenor-OTG staff) in preparation of the large graphical interface changes that are coming in
- WYSIWYG / Text box with formatting: We have fixed a problem where data entered into this box disappeared.
- External Documents: Clicking the link which appears after an external document has been saved as a draft will now always take the external user back to editing the document.
- Document: All images inserted into a wysiwyg should now also appear in the pdf version of the doc.