- Risk module: We made significant speed improvements on the module, especially when navigating through pages and when sorting by a column. We have also improved the user feedback on the information tab. Added save notifications and changed the save button to be enabled only when changes have been made.
- Access rights: We made some changes and used caching for access rights to improve the overall system speed.
- Independent actions: Work is well underway for our new independent actions. We added a new tab called: My overviews which will show only “my” overviews.
- Risk module:
- We fixed and removed some errors in the browser when refresing the page.
- We fixed a wrong url when returning a rejected action using the url gotten in an email.
- Using Copy Risk Analysis function wasn’t copying, also the risk items and the matrix was not connected to the new Risk. This is now fixed.
- Document print: Total revision number was missing in the footer of a document when there were more than 1 revision.
- Equipment: Fixed some flashing of buttons when pressing the complete button for maintenance records.
- Reports: Removing all type of documents (new, inprogress, completed) under Filter tab will no longer return any documents.
- For super users: When deactivating an user, customers without the competency module also get the question/option if they would like to deactivate the competency user. This is now fixed.