- User interface: Changes to user access rights are now updated in real time, and we fixed some mismatches of rights and what users can see.
- Risk module: We have added a tooltip to the matrix tabs headings in the analysis table, the Closed Items column has received a new name (finalised/total items) and now includes elements without actions. For the actions management, we have introduced another button for editing an action you have in progress. Within the elements table we have added horizontal scrollers which always appear in the vertical center of the table (these fade when mouse is in the horizontal middle). You can now open risk analyses in new tabs, and clicking the back button will return you to the same page of the index you came from. Finally, it is now possible to duplicate a risk matrix, so as to simplify creation of similar matrices.
- Actions manager: We have added check lists to our new actions. The actions manager is not yet available to our users, this is just a notification of what we are currently working on.
- Shared URL: We have added the shared URL parameters to our redirect function so as to allow users to be redirected to the correct place after logging in, when having clicked a shared URL link.
- PDF Export: There has been a name change to these files, where "+" has been replaced by "_", bringing our file names aligned with naming standards.
- Risk management: Search for elements works as expected again.
- Document print: Documents can now be printed to pdf again, regardless of connected dropdown status
- Ownership transfer: It is now possible to transfer risk actions again
- Substance register: Shared URL now include https:// which means they can be added to company menus, and the labels on the matrices has been moved into the matrix itself (replicating the design of risk matrices).