- Reports: You can now filter on any level/node for connected dropdown fields.
- Documents: When printing to pdf you will have the posibility to include images uploaded through attachments and which are not displayed in any wysiwyg editor.
- Actions manager: We added expandable sections for index tables like in the other modules and made it responsive for every type of device (desktop, tablet mobile). Drag and drop for arraging columns is now available. This functionality is still not ready for our users to use, this is just an update on our progress.
- Admin: (antenor users only) We can now make changes into Admin - Modules and Admin - Workflows without having to change the main customer to current.
- Risk management:
- We fixed a bug that happens sometimes when copying a matrix, causing the changes from the new matrix to be reflected in the original matrix.
- We fixed a bug for Risk graphs, which was causing you to see blank data when the matrix was changed.
- Insert image button is now disabled in wysiwyg of risk management when creating a new risk analysis and a message is displayed informing you it will be available after first save.
- Reports: We fixed a rare bug for reports, sometimes the system menu was showing a blank report name.
- Security: We fixed a small vulnerability.
- Admin: We fixed a bug causing redirect back to previous customer while switching between customers and creating new documents