- Action manager: The action modal header now displays the names of plans, providing better clarity regarding the action's association.
- Super: Access group descriptions can now be edited.
- Super: Significant enhancements have been made to the en-mass email change functionality. You can now select the FROM domain you wish to change and create various types of patterns. This includes the option to select the first letter of the first name or the first letter of the last name, separated by delimiters, among other options. Additionally, a preview comparison is now available.
- Super: Super users can now change email addresses for customer users. If there is a related competency user, it will be automatically updated as well.
- Admin: Creating customers has been streamlined, making it easier and quicker to configure new setups.
Bug fixes:
- Action Manager: Fixed a bug where you were not able to create actions inside of a plan in which name was containing special characters such as comma , or dot.
- Equipment: The shared index in the Equipment module stopped functioning after the implementation of improvements to the browser's back and forth history. This problem has been fixed.
- Document: Fixed a bug related to attachments uploaded through the wysiwyg editor. Previously, attachments with empty spaces in their names could be deleted when they shouldn't have been. Additionally, attachments uploaded in a previous revision were not deletable. This issue has been rectified.
- Document: Addressed a rare case where printing to PDF was not possible due to a malfunctioning checklist field value.
- Action Manager: Rectified a bug associated with the management of checklist templates. The count of total items was displaying incorrectly based on the previously selected checklist.
- General: Users without assigned access rights were experiencing an issue where they were unable to log out of the app after signing in. This problem has now been resolved.
- Admin/Super: Users with the ability to connect to multiple customers encountered a bug where they could only modify access rights for their primary customer and not for secondary customers. This bug has been addressed and users can now change access rights for secondary customers as well.
- Document: Bug resolved for WYSIWYG field with translatable content. Images, emoticons, and icons now display correctly in PDF prints. Table of content functionality restored. Table font sizes corrected. These issues specifically occurred when using the Norwegian language in the user profile. English language functionality remained unaffected.