Release day!  12.03.-24



  • Module/Document: Introducing dynamic form fields! Fields can now dynamically appear based on selections in dropdowns.
  • Module/Admin/Super: We've improved field design by adding a new section, Field settings, where all settings are now conveniently located. The field type is prominently displayed at the top, making it easier to set fields as required, with further enhancements coming soon.
  • Super: You now have the ability to edit access group names.

Bug fixes:

  • KPI/Scorecard: Info field now saves properly for drilldowns.
  • KPI/Scorecard: Fixed an issue where the dropdown listing available years would display a long list in rare cases when an incorrect old date was entered into a module used in the KPI. This is now resolved and handled differently.
  • Action Manager: Customers with only the Risk Management module can now successfully open the Action Manager index page after migrating risk actions into Action Manager.
  • Super: Super users with access to multiple customers no longer encounter issues when opening the Ownership Transfer page of a secondary customer. Previously, they were redirected to the main customer erroneously.
  • General: Fixed an issue where some users created en-mass received incorrect language values, leading to modules not being listed in the left menu. This has been resolved and improved to only allow correct language values for users.
  • Document: Fixed an issue where documents with required wysiwyg fields could be sent for approval without filling anything into the wysiwyg editor. This was caused by recent changes related to wysiwyg validation when translation is turned on. It's now fixed.
    Document: The document delete modal has been improved. Now, what will be deleted is highlighted (bolded) for clarity.